Nicknamed antbear for its appetite for ants and termites, the aardvark can consume as many as 50,000 insects in a night.
Lions live in social groups known as prides, made up of one or more mature males, several closely-related females and their young. Males roar and spray urine to advertise their territory to rivals.
Hunting dogs look out for their pack members, especially the young and the sick.
Naturally found at Aldabra Atoll, learn how we provide world-class care to our endangered Aldabra giant tortoises at Singapore Zoo.
This species has the most vibrant plumage of all flamingo species.
When size doesn't help. With 40,000-50,000 left in the wild, will the last of the megaherbivores be wiped out too?
With a comparatively shorter, sparser and darker mane, the male Asian lion's ears are exposed and visible at all times.
Living in close-knit social groups of up to 20 individuals, these otters communicate through squeals, chirps, screams and barks, and use scent marking to communicate and mark territory.
These smallest of 13 otter species in the world are social and playful animals.
Babirusa means pig deer in Malay due to its tusks that look very much like the antlers of a deer.
The Bali myna is almost entirely white with long head plumes and black wing-tips. Endemic to Bali where it formerly ranged across the north-west third of the island, the species was never very widely distributed.
Orangutans are apes, which means that unlike monkeys, they do not have a tail. Found in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra, they have special feet with long toes for grasping branches, and long limbs that can stretch out far so that they can move easily through the treetops. Orangutan babies stay with their mother for 7 to 8 years to learn survival skills. Play is an important way for them to learn these skills.
The fastest land animals, differentiate from other spotted cats by two black tear lines that extend from the corner of their eyes to the mouth.
Named for its cloud-shaped coat markings, this cat is threatened by hunting and habitat loss.
Emus belong to a family of flightless birds called ratites, which also include ostriches, rheas, cassowaries and kiwis. As the second largest bird in the world after the ostrich, it can run at a speed of up to 50 km/hr.
Affectionately nicknamed the “Toddy cat”, this furry fellow is essential for seed dispersal and forest restoration.
Tamarins usually have twins or triplets. Dad piggybacks the babies most of the time, passing them back to mum only when the babies need to nurse.
See more of our Colobus monkeys at Primate Kingdom. They are capable of leaping up to 15 metres and are rarely seen on ground.
This diurnal gecko is found only in Tanzania's Kimboza and Ruvu Forest Reserves, where it dwells exclusively on pandan plants, which are associated with swamps or limestone within the forest.
Named for the electrical charge it releases to stun its prey and enemies, the electric eel can generate up to 800 volts of electricity, enough to kill an adult human.
Adult males can reach lengths of 7m. It is also the croc with the widest distribution.
Unlike some other cats, these felines love the water and are some of the best swimmers around. In fact, fishing cats have been seen swimming underwater to grab ducks’ legs!
What makes the fossa Madagascar’s top predator? Its adaptations include a good sense of smell and keen vision, even in low-light conditions.
This snake’s brilliant beauty and easygoing temperament belie its tenacity as a predator.
Gentoo Penguins is the world’s fastest underwater bird, swimming at speeds of up to 36km/h!
As one of the world's largest freshwater fish, this stingray can weigh up to 600kg.
Come meet Singapore's resident giant pandas, Kai Kai and Jia Jia!
This largest of all otters can grow to a standing height of 1.8m and take down small caimans.
Two young Rothschild’s giraffes Adhil and Balaji arrived at Singapore Zoo, part of a globally managed breeding programme under the EAZA Ex-situ Programme.
The golden-shouldered parrot nests in conical termite mounds. Dubbed the ‘antbed parrot’, it excavates its nest during the wet season when the mound is rain softened.
Known for their extreme toxicity, these frogs produce toxins twenty times more potent than that of any other poison dart frog.
The tigerfish is the largest member of the tigerfish clan, a fierce predator with daggerlike teeth.
Great Argus are amongst the largest pheasants, related to the peafowls. Males have long twin tail feathers, which grow to a whopping 1.5 m in length, while their flamboyant wing feathers boast many eyespots.
Despite their names, greater mousedeer are neither rodents nor true deer. They belong to their own unique family, Tragulidae, and are considered one of the most primitive living ungulates (hoofed mammals)!
The green basilisk lizard is also known as the plumed or double-crested basilisk. Males can be distinguished by the showy crests on their heads and backs, which are used to impress females.
One of the largest kangaroo species commonly found in Australia, the eastern grey kangaroo swims well and evades predators by diving.
Among the 350 odd parrot species worldwide, grey parrots are best able to mimic human speech.
Hamadryas baboon are hardy monkeys with a strong build and a dog-like snout. Males and females look so dissimilar that they have been thought to be of different species.
The Indian gharial is a critically endangered species that is estimated to have fewer than 200 left in the wild.
A narrow snout, attended by an array of fearsome teeth, helps the gharial catch its fish.
Only a few mammals are known to produce venom and the slow loris is one of them. It mixes the secretion from a gland on the underside of its arm with its saliva to produce a toxin.
The King Penguin stands at a height of 1 metre. It is the second tallest penguin, after the Emperor Penguin, which is 1.3m tall.
The world’s largest lizard is also one of the few lizards with a venomous bite.
The cackle of the laughing kookaburra is an iconic sound of the dry eucalypt forests of eastern Australia at dawn and dusk.
Out of six flamingo species, the lesser flamingo is the smallest and most numerous with around three million individuals.
With a rodent-like face and a rabbit's body perched precariously atop the pencil-thin feet of a piglet, the mousedeer looks like an odd mix of different animals.
With a wingspan of 1.5 – 1.7m, these are some of the largest bats in the world.
When night falls, the flying foxes leave their daytime roost to feed. their keen vision and sense of smell helps them locate fruit and flowers easily.
Manatees and their dugong cousins are the only aquatic mammals to feed solely on plants.
Natives call the masked lapwing the ‘spear-carrying bird’ due to the sharp yellow spurs on its wings.
Growing up to 3.2m long with a weight of almost 300kg, this large fellow is one of the world's largest freshwater fish.
Rockhopper penguins are so named because of their ability to hop over rocks and boulders, sometimes reaching heights of up to 1.8m.
The female kiwi produces the largest egg for its body size - the giant egg can weigh up to 25% of her body weight.
The palm cockatoo is the world’s largest cockatoo. Its distinctive cheek patch of bare skin flushes from pink to bright red when the bird is alarmed or excited.
Head down to RepTopia to find out why and how panther chameleons are considered opportunistic hunters.
The Papuan hornbill is the only hornbill in New Guinea. Called ‘Kokomo’ in local Tok Pisin language, it is a show stealer. In flight, its wings give off a very loud whooshing sound.
Long movable ears and large eyes placed high on the head, providing near-360° vision, help rabbits detect predators from afar. Powerful hind-limbs help them make a quick getaway.
The douc langur's almond eyes and delicate features lend a kind of wistful magic to their beauty.
Cockatoos are large parrots, known for their long life spans that range from 40 to 70 years. They differ from other parrots in that they have a head crest and no blue or green feathers. Black cockatoos are found only in Australia.
The red panda's fiery red coat is no doubt why its name in Chinese literally means 'fire fox'.
Game for a scaly good time? Slither down to RepTopia at Singapore Zoo and learn more about the regal horned lizard.
A repertoire of some 22 different calls helps these primates engage in complex social interactions.
Named for its unique spoon-shaped bill, the roseate spoonbill has attractive pink plumage and a defined carmine wing patch. The bare green skin on its head takes on a yellowish hue during the breeding season.
This turtle’s snake-like, long neck is about two-thirds the length of its shell.
They are what they eat – scarlet ibises feed on crayfish, crabs and aquatic insects which give their plumage the bright red colour.
The sloth bears use their sickle-shaped claws as ‘climbing hooks’ to hoist themselves up trees. They climb not to escape danger, but to get at termite or bee nests.
The southern cassowary is the third biggest bird after the ostrich and emu. Compared to the single wattled northern cassowary, it is slightly larger and has two wattles, which hang loosely from its neck.
They look like large dogs, but are more closely related to cats like lions and tigers. Their powerful jaws give them the strongest bite of any mammal.
Known for its melodious calls, the straw-headed bulbul has been hunted to extinction across much of its range in Southeast Asia.
Found in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra, they have special feet with long toes for grasping branches, and long limbs that can stretch out far so that they can move easily through the treetops.
Male and female eclectus parrots look so different that they were once thought to be separate species. Males are predominantly green; females are red or purplish red.
Scaly from tip to tail, this primarily nocturnal mammal curls into a ball and protects itself with its scales when threatened.
The name “devil” may come from the sounds they make. They make eerie growls while searching for food at night.
Often confused with owls, the nocturnal tawny frogmouth is closely related to night jars. It has a flat, wide beak like a frog’s mouth, hence its common name.
These kangaroos traverse the treetops with ease with their powerful arms, sharp claws and long tail.
Whether they are sleeping, eating, mating, or giving birth, sloths carry out most of their activities hanging upside-down from tree branches.
Sakis can make downward leaps covering close to 10m, a feat which has earned them the nickname “flying monkeys”. Head down to Fragile Forest or Primate Kingdom zones to see them in action.
A huge animal that feeds exclusively on grass, the white rhino has a wide mouth shaped for ‘mowing’ short grass. Its square lips set it apart from the hook-lipped black rhino.
A woylie can move six tons of soil per year in nocturnal diggings in search of its favourite food: truffles.
Stallions of this species mark and maintain territories using middens (dung piles). The Grevy's zebra is distinguished from other zebras by its round ears, white underbelly and the bullseye stripe pattern on its rump.